

Page history last edited by sarah taylor 13 years, 4 months ago

Definition: Twitter



  • mobile social network and microblogging site for sharing content (links, photos, videos) and communicating (tweets of 140 characters or less)


Suitability checklist:



Management strategies

Terms of service

Age range - 13 years and over


Content ownership


May be a useful tool for targetting your youth clients

Content uploaded may be the property of Twitter



Businesses can have accounts and no real names policy


Comment moderation


Comments aren't made on Twitter. Others can retweet your information.

You can easily block users and prevent them from following you - Twitter Help provides more information 

Logo and profile


Allows for organisations to create accounts and use their logos

Useful for branding

Shared account or single user?


Single user - but low cost options for multiple users e.g. MediaFunnel,

Different employees can tweet to the same account to keep it free

Statistics / reporting


No official Twitter analytics, but several free options available online.  Twitter Web Analytics in beta at present, so should be available soon.

Can use statistics to show how wide your message is being spread 

Complaints and compliments response procedure

Twitter Support  provides information regarding complaints, abuse, etc




Qwitter is a free download that allows Twitter to be used with screen readers 


Records management


Twapperkeeper is a free shareware tool available that archives tweets, but data cannot be exported.  Screenshots can be saved.

Make sure necessary records are kept - NSW State Records provide guidelines

Time to maintain / frequency of use?


Very little time needed to maintain, but regular content is essential

Hootsuite allows you to manage multiple social media accounts from one dashboard 

Council requirements


What is council's policy? (eg. do they have a single account or can the library set up one of their own) 







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