Management strategies
Terms of service
Age range - 13 years and over
Content ownership
May be useful for reaching youth market
IP content (videos & images) uploaded can be used by Facebook until you delete account or content - for more information see Facebook Terms & Conditions
Pseudonyms can be used and businesses can have pages
Very easy to create Facebook page for library and/or council - see Facebook Privacy Policy for more information
Comment moderation
Comments can be deleted, but not moderated before posting and it is possible to block unwanted people. Can also individually change the audience of each post
Only allow fans to make comments, not post on wall. Can easily control and report abuse if it does become an issue
Logo and profile
Organisational accounts can add their logo
Add Council/library logo to page to build brand
Shared account or single user?
Facebook page can have multiple administrators
Allows a group of staff, with different interest/specialistation areas, to post
Statistics / reporting
Facebook Insights provides regular statistics that can be downloaded and can send notifications and reports of activity
Can be used to justify use of social media to management and provide useful statistics for library to
Complaints and compliments response procedure
Facebook has clear rules for Reporting Abuse or Policy Violations
Accessibility & Assistive Technology - Facebook has a page and a team to assist with accessibility. Facebook is available in a HTML version
Records management
Free shareware is available that can be used, eg. Backupify, ArchiveFacebook. Can also set up Facebook to send notifications by e-mail when comments are made
E-mail notifications can be transferred to local record keeping system in order to fulfill council record keeping obligations and Backupify records can be downloaded and saved
Time to maintain / frequency of use?
Minimal time to maintain, but requires regular content
If several social media tools are being used social media dashboards such as Tweetdeck or Hootsuite can be used to manage multiple accounts
Council requirements
What is council's policy? (eg. do they have a single account or can the library set up one of their own)
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