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Policies and Guidelines

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Saved by Mylee Joseph
on September 16, 2011 at 9:34:33 am

Here we have included some templates that you can adapt to suit your own circumstances when developing a Social Media Policy.  We have also included examples from organisations who have already created their own Social Media Policy and Guidelines.




Social Media Policy Template.docx this is a simple social media policy that can be used as a starting point in developing one for your organisation.


Social Media Policy Template by Eric Schwartzman - this is a great resource that clearly articulates all the areas that need to be included in a social media policy.  The information can be added and adapted to suit different organisations.





Department of Justice Social Media Policy this is the official policy for social media use at the Victorian Department of Justice and there is a great link to a Social Media Video


Mosman (NSW) Council Twitter Guidelines clear and concise.


National Library's Social Media Policy and Guidelines - this is a very comprehensive social media policy including risks and controls associated with social media activity.  This could easily be adapted for a local library.


NSW Department of Education and Training Social Media Policy - this is a very simple social media policy and also includes a good set of other policies that should be used in conjunction with it e.g. Code of Conduct, Social Media & Technology Guide for Staff.


Public Libraries South Australia Social Media Guidelinesa page on their website that gives general advice about Facebook and Twitter in clear language.


Social Media Employee Policy Examples from over 100 organizations - there are many examples of policies and guidelines from companies and governments all over the world.




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