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on September 26, 2011 at 11:28:16 am

Articles we come across about social media




If you're still trying to convince management about the benefits of social media these resources may help make your argument more persuasive.


What is Social Media? - a really great Slideshare presentation with statistics on how social media is impacting our lives and business - possibly one to send to management if they need more evidence that social media has a place in the workplace.


Social Media Revolution 2011 - some more great statistics in a YouTube video.


Social Media 101 - this is great for anyone who has been a bit left behind and needs to quickly catch up.  This eGovernment Resource Centre website also has other great articles and presentations regarding social media.


Infographic : Social Media and Your Business Communication Strategy - this is from Stephen's Lighthouse and has some useful statistics.


YouTube Turns 6 in May 2011 - good statistics about the vast number of people who access the service daily




30 top objections to social media and how to respond - the title says it all.


64 Awesome Facebook Marketing Techniques - this resource comes from Stephen Abram's blog 'Stephen's Lighthouse.'  He provides tips and technologies for strategic thinking and innovation in libraries.


7 Steps for a Successful Social Media Strategy - this resource takes you through some clear steps to consider before launching a social media presence. 


7 Ways to Overcome the Social Media Time Sink - advice on forming a strategy and setting objectives. 


Don't 'over think' social media strategy this discusses one of our 'Top Ten Tips' - 'Just do it!'





Facebook for Libraries - this article by David Lee King shows Facebook statistics and also has clear step-by-step instructions on how to start up an account.


Marketing on the Web - this article is from the Public Library Association website 'Public Libraries Online' and has great ideas for practical applications of social media.


U.S. Public Libraries and the Use of Web Technologies, 2010 - this study records the landscape of web technology adoption in public libraries across the U.S. and examines the characteristics of libraries that are leading the way in adopting those technologies.


ALIA Information Online 2011 - this was a conference held in January and has links to lots of papers, below are a few great examples:



A series of tools and tips by Bobbi L Neuman (aka @librarianbyday) Facebookbit.ly | Twitter | Google |


Social Media, Libraries, and Web 2.0: How American Libraries are using New Tools for Public Relations and to Attract New Users - Third Survey November 2010


Twitter for Readers Advisory - this is a great slideshow from the Dragons at the Metcalfe presentation at the State Library of New South Wales, which talks about Twitter and how to use it. 


Cumming, K. (August, 2011) Recordkeeping and Web 2.0 - What local government is doing with web 2.0, is still officially government business. It is therefore subject to the same mandatory recordkeeping rules and compliance requirements that govern all other areas of Council operations.  This information is from State Records.





Are your kids cyber safe and savvy? - great poster to remind us all, particularly children, about online safety.


ID Theft toolkit - online test to assess how exposed you are to identity theft


Privacy Awareness Week 2011


Social Media Security in Libraries and 15 Tips for Social Media Security - part of a series on IT Security in Libraries from LIS News.  This is a collaborative blog devoted to current events and news in the world of Library and Information Science.


How businesses should react to negative social media and reviews - good tips on how to react to negative comments.





There are loads of them out there, but these are some that we've been following.


Fresher and New(er) - Seb Chan, who works at the Powerhouse Museum, writes this blog about digital media and its use in museums.  Seb writes fantastic articles about the digital world.


Communities of Practice for Public Service  this is 'a community platform supporting collaborative networks for those involved in local delivery: central departments, local authorities, other public bodies, frontline staff, health staff, people working in charities and the private sector who are in some way delivering for the public.'  It's a free resource that enables like-minded people to form online communities of practice, which are supported by collaboration tools that encourage knowledge sharing and learning from each others’ experiences.   If you type in 'social media' in the 'Find a community' box there are 35 different forums that are currently on the go that you can join.  It's a great resource for finding out what others in local government around the world are doing with social media and tackling similar issues.


Future Proof - Protecting our digital future - this blog is a State Records initiative for the NSW Government to help public offices to implement better systems for keeping digital records.  State Records will develop and issue standards that establish clear minimum requirements for system functionality and metadata, and more detailed specifications to help build or upgrade systems. They also offer practical advice on records migration and update their suite of guidelines and training to better reflect the challenges of digital recordkeeping.


Librarian by Day - Bobbi L. Newman, who writes this blog, is passionate about helping libraries find their place in the digital age.  She was named a Mover & Shaker by Library Journal in 2011.


Librarian in Black - Sara Jan-Houghton is Assistant Director of the San Rafael Public Library system.  She provides information and insights about librarianship, technology, web services and current trends.


Social Media Today - is an online independent community that talks about social media.


Stephen's Lighthouse - discusses Library trends, innovation and information.




301 Ways to Use Social Media to Boost Your Marketing by Catherine Parker


Get Connected: The Social Networking Toolkit for Business by Starr Hall and Chadd Rosenberg - this is worth a look, it reviews the different forms of social media and suggests ways to utilise them effectively. 


Blogging and RSS : A Librarian's Guide by Michael P. Sauers - covers everything librarians need to know about creating, publishing and sydnicating a blog with opinions and advice from top library bloggers.


Web 2.0 for Librarians and Information Professionals by Ellyssa Kroski.


Creating a successful e-information service by Sheila Pantry and Peter Griffiths.


A Social Networking Primer for Libraries by Cliff Landis (No.7 in Tech Set series) - gives information on planning, implementing, marketing, evaluation and best practices in social networking.


Effective Blogging for Libraries by Connie Crosby (no.10 in Tech Set series) - gives information on planning, implementing, marketing, evaluation and best practices for blogging.









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