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Saved by sarah taylor
on September 3, 2011 at 8:03:01 pm

Social Media Starter Kit for Libraries


We've designed this wiki in order to help you decide whether you want to use social media, which tool is right for you and to help you with your policies, record keeping and general questions you may have regarding this new medium.


Table of Contents


Is this social media tool right for your library?


Samples & Examples of Policies & Guidelines

  • In this section we give you a basic Social Media Policy template that you can tweak and adapt to your Council/library. We also provide links to examples of Social Media Policies and templates


Useful Articles

  • Here are links to articles that we've found relating to social media use, particularly in libraries and local government. They provide useful information, insights, considerations and helpful hints.


Links to Social Media use by Libraries

  • Want to see what other libraries and councils around Australia are doing with social media? Here's the place to look for local examples of Twitter, Facebook and Flickr.


Tools for managing social media

  • What about all the other important stuff? Here we provide information on record keeping and software that is available to help you maintain records.



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