
Techtasters Project

Page history last edited by sarah taylor 13 years, 4 months ago

Social Media Starter Kit for Libraries 


We've designed this wiki in order to help you make the most out of social media.   It helps you to decide which tool is right for you and your library and also helps you with creating policies, managing your record keeping and provides links to useful articles and those libraries that are already doing it.


Is this social media tool right for your library?


Samples & Examples of Policies & Guidelines

  • In this section we give you a basic Social Media Policy template that you can tweak and adapt to your Council/library. We also provide links to examples of Social Media Policies and templates on the web.


Useful Articles

  • Here are links to articles that we've found relating to social media use, particularly in libraries and local government.  They give you the information, statistics and arguments you need to convince your council/library that not having a social media presence is far more risky than having one and also highlight the reasons for using social media and the positive outcomes that come from it. In addition there are links to subscribe to and information about useful books we've read.  We've grouped them together under various titles: USEFUL STATISTICS, IDEAS/TIPS,BUSINESS CASES, SOCIAL MEDIA & LIBRARIES, PRIVACY/COMPLAINTS, STUFF TO SUBSCRIBE TO & BOOKS. 


Links to social media use by Libraries

  • Want to see what other libraries and councils around Australia are doing with social media? Here's the place to look for local examples of Twitter, Facebook and Flickr.


Tools for managing social media

  • What about all the other important stuff? Here we provide information on record keeping and software that is available to help you maintain records.


2011 Survey

  • Here we've highlighted the main findings from the survey that we sent out and also given you access to the actual survey and its results.


Project Team

  • Meet the team who are united in championing Social Media in Libraries!





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